Thursday 16 February 2012

The Benefits of Carpet Cushions

Just as under any rainbow there is a pot of gold, so too under any carpet, there is underlay…at least there should be. Underlay plays a very important role. Unfortunately, some people fail to realise this, and as a result, suffer the consequences (which normally entails a hefty bill of some kind).

When you purchase a new carpet, it is usually an investment. Investments need protecting. If you want to protect your carpet and keep it in a pristine condition then you must use underlay (n.b. carpet padding and carpet cushioning and carpet underlay are interchangeable words). Why?

  • It increases the shelf life of the carpet. Without underlay a carpet may last five years, but the same carpet with underlay can last upwards of ten years. Underlay will also help to prevent indentations caused by furniture and other heavy items, as well as protecting the carpet from general use. 
  • Sound proofing: many people are unaware that carpet padding acts as a sound proofing material. It is great for use in flats and apartments, for those who do not wish for other tenants to hear their every move…and of course, parents love it too, as you can sit in the lounge while your children run noisily upstairs without noticing.
  • Insulating: few people realise that carpet cushioning will reduce their household bills. It will reduce your heating bill as it will trap the heat in that normally escapes through the floor. Additionally, you will use less electricity vacuuming – this may sound odd, but it is harder for dirt to find purchase on a carpet that sports an underlay.
  • Cosiness: this is not that important a consideration in a commercial setting, but in a home, cosiness if essential! Good carpet cushions, particularly those made of foam or rubber, create a ‘bouncing’ effect – this is especially good with a thick pile as the fluff just seems to cover your feed…bliss.
 Depending on your budget and the type of carpet you purchase, you will require different types of carpet padding, find advice now at

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