Monday 9 December 2013

Rubber Padding To Keep You Warm

It is well known that any padding such as rubber underlay beneath a carpet will much enhance the life of any floorcovering.  It is even a necessary item to put underneath laminates if you are thinking of fitting this kind of flooring.

It is easy to see why, as a cushioned carpet is able to spring back into shape after every step that is taken on it and any heavy furniture that is placed in a room.  It will also mask any slight unevenness of the floor beneath it, thus stopping the uneven wear of any carpet or wood type flooring.

Rubber padding is the product of choice when it comes to keeping your house at a good temperature in the winter.  Rubber and foam types will trap warm air so allowing heat to remain longer in any space.  You will also find that a floor will be more pleasant to walk on and that the cost utility bills will go down.

You can even use rubber to fit underneath your laminates.  However, they are of a different quality and you will have to make sure that there is a moisture barrier to prevent wood or laminate flooring from lifting.

Before you purchase any padding, you need to consider in what kind of room it is going to be used.  If it is an area that is used frequently, such as a living room for instance, it makes sense to buy a good and thick underlay.  For bedrooms a cheaper underlay may be used as foot traffic is less heavy there.

However, if you have teenagers who play loud music all the time you may want to ensure that the product you are using in your bedroom will also dampen noises from adjoining bedrooms.

If you are going to fit any flooring material yourself you need to measure up the exact dimensions of your floor area.  If you are going to buy all the materials you need on line, you will find a handy reckoner in which you can tap in measurements.  

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