Sunday 26 May 2013

Something for everyone: Cloud 9 Underlay.

Cloud 9 underlay is an elegant as it sounds. It is like walking on clouds when you use this underlay, it is some of the top end underlay that we sell. It is a thicker underlay that will last you for many years, it is a popular choice for people who have a luxurious room to carpet and they want it to feel as beautiful as it will look when completed. It is an 11mm underlay, it has sound reduction materials used in it so not only will it feel and look good, it will reduce the sounds of walking about, this is a good factor if you have children or light sleepers in the house.

This luxurious underlay is very popular with people who have spent a lot of money on their carpet and they want it to last, using any underlay will allow for your carpet to last longer, using this underlay will make it last even longer. If you were to do your room in two halves you would be able to tell which is the better half, there is a little more volume and spring in it and your feet will be able to sink a little bit further. You will feel the difference between your toes.

This underlay can be used in every room of the house, even on the stairs, there is no room that this will not go in, it goes well even in the kitchen. This is one of the most versatile ranges that is sold as it can be used everywhere in the home. It looks and feels great under any carpet, and if you are buying a cheaper carpet then you might want to get some of this underlay to help thicken it up under your feet, you will be able to tell the difference. If you are wanting to feel luxury without the cost then this is the way for you to do it. You can have it all and for a cheaper price.

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